Do you remember your resolutions from New Years past?
I don't.
What I do remember was how great I felt when making them, but how rarely I bothered with the follow-through. They were, for the most part, ill-conceived and poorly executed.
As this year draws to a close I find myself thinking: What if I changed the tenor of those last minute resolutions? What if I took Saint Paul in today's reading to heart and found an opportunity each day to dress myself with the virtues? What if I endeavored to put on compassion and kindness with the stranger in my midst? To wear gentleness and patience with someone who is needy? What if my 2018 intention became more than a simple goal to "eat healthier" but instead a resolution to swallow my pride, selfishness, and lack of self-awareness? What if I never let my head hit the pillow each night without dropping to my knees and uttering a "thank you" to my Creator?
Take a moment, Sisters, whether in the early hours of this New Year's Eve, or late at night after the merriment has ceased, to let Saint Paul's exhortation become your own heart's resolution:
Let January be the month of compassion.
February - the month of contrition.
March - self-control.
April - gentleness.
May - patience.
June - forbearance.
July - kindness.
August - forgiveness.
September - love.
October - obedience.
November - humility.
And December - gratitude.
Write these virtues in big, bold letters on your Blessed is She planner or your Google calendar or wherever you will see them. And every day, pray the simple prayer: "Father, help me to find one way today to practice ______."
Here's to making a resolution for 2018 that matters not only for the now, but for all eternity.
Happy New Year!
Let's make a resolution for all eternity.Click to tweet
Karen Schultz hails from the Land of 10,000 lakes, where she is often found in or near one of them. As a doula, lactation educator, and FertilityCare Practitioner, she finds joy in helping women to embrace the gift of their bodies. Downtime is found in quiet adoration chapels, farmers markets and gardens, listening to bluegrass music, and embracing the diversity of Minnesota’s seasons. You can find out more about her here.