for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

REMAIN Series // What I Would Miss - Blessed Is She

REMAIN Series // What I Would Miss

I gave her one last hug before she walked into the next chapter of her life. As I drove away, it finally hit me that my years of raising her...
REMAIN Series // Living in the Longing - Blessed Is She

REMAIN Series // Living in the Longing

As I sat in the back of the empty desert chapel, I remembered I was not alone, but with Jesus. I let my tears fall and with them, my grasping...
REMAIN Series // An Olive Branch - Blessed Is She

REMAIN Series // An Olive Branch

My family was invited to a celebration with some extended family members I had not seen in many years. I was uncertain about extending the olive branch. The hurt from...
REMAIN Series // The Peaceful Present - Blessed Is She

REMAIN Series // The Peaceful Present

I tend to keep a constant running checklist and I like to accomplish those tasks ASAP. Sweeping the floor (again), making returns, scheduling appointments… the list goes on. My last...
REMAIN Series // Surrendering a Dream - Blessed Is She

REMAIN Series // Surrendering a Dream

Growing up with five siblings, I always envisioned raising a large family of my own. I pictured myself like my grandmother, surrounded by a dozen children and finding my vocation...
REMAIN Series // An Introduction + Invitation - Blessed Is She

REMAIN Series // An Introduction + Invitation

Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you. Keep straight the path of your feet, and all your ways will be sure. // Proverbs 4:25-26...
Your Year of the Living Water - Blessed Is She

Your Year of the Living Water

Have you ever heard of a rule of life? It’s a rhythm that sets the tone and pace of your days to keep your heart and calendar aligned with your...
Meet Him at the Well - Blessed Is She

Meet Him at the Well

I tossed and turned in bed, feeling awfully discouraged and a bit numb. Intellectually, I knew the Lord was there, but my heart told me differently. He seemed woefully distant...
A Tale of Two Planners - Blessed Is She

A Tale of Two Planners

We are called to steward our lives well, and regardless of the personality God gave us, that involves some level of planning. As we grow and mature into adulthood and...
The Women at the Tomb - Blessed Is She

The Women at the Tomb

Throughout the centuries, many arguments disregarding the validity of the Resurrection have emerged. In fact, the various explanations began on the very day in history that Christ rose (see Matthew...
BIS Reads // The Hiding Place - Blessed Is She

BIS Reads // The Hiding Place

Cornelia (Corrie) Ten Boom was born on April 15, 1892 in Haarlem, Netherlands, the youngest of four children. Her father was a watchmaker and their family lived in a home...
BIS Reads // In a Far-Off Land - Blessed Is She

BIS Reads // In a Far-Off Land

Murder mysteries abound these days, but how many are modeled on the parable of the Prodigal Son? In a Far-Off Land by Stephanie Landsem is a captivating piece of historical...