for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

6 Ways to Prepare a Quiet Advent NOW - Blessed Is She

6 Ways to Prepare a Quiet Advent NOW

Every year around around this time, I long to slow down, create space, quiet my heart, and find rest. Perhaps I am weary from the toll of this chaotic world....
What to Do When You Struggle to Forgive - Blessed Is She

What to Do When You Struggle to Forgive

"Forgiveness is letting the prisoner go free, only to know the prisoner is me" is an adage that could not be truer in Corrie ten Boom’s life. In her book,...
How to Restart Your Small Group - Blessed Is She

How to Restart Your Small Group

We all long for community. That's one of the reasons this ministry exists: we know we are made for community. In my personal spiritual life, I have been most encouraged...
Discernment as a Team - Blessed Is She

Discernment as a Team

In Catholic circles, the word "discernment" is often thrown around. And with good reason. Making decisions prayerfully and intentionally is one of the best ways we can honor God by...
Showing Compassion for Another Woman's Pain - Blessed Is She

Showing Compassion for Another Woman's Pain

A few years ago I had an experience that completely woke me up to the fact that not everyone knows how to show compassion to another person’s pain. This incident...
Blessed Chats: College // Cultivating Your Faith on Campus - Blessed Is She

Blessed Chats: College // Cultivating Your Faith on Campus

Welcome to our Blessed Chats series! Each month, we will dedicate an entire week of blog posts to a topic that affects many of us. These conversations often come up...
Blessed Chats: College // Authentic Female Friendships - Blessed Is She

Blessed Chats: College // Authentic Female Friendships

Welcome to our Blessed Chats series! Each month, we will dedicate an entire week of blog posts to a topic that affects many of us. These conversations often come up...
What (Not) to Say to Your Pro-Choice Friends: An Exhaustive Resource for Pro-Life Arguments - Blessed Is She

What (Not) to Say to Your Pro-Choice Friends: An Exhaustive Resource for Pro-Life Arguments

One gray, spring morning, some friends and I were praying outside an abortion clinic when a young couple with heavy faces came walking towards us. The man had his arm...