for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

How to Be a Great Godparent - Blessed Is She

How to Be a Great Godparent

Celebrant: Are you ready to help the parents of this child in their duty as Christian parents? Godparents: We are. -From the Rite for the Baptism of One Child My...
Ways to Find Community Within the Catholic Church - Blessed Is She

Ways to Find Community Within the Catholic Church

The Catholic Church is big, diverse, and widespread. It is such a beautiful source of community! Community is different for everyone. It can be through one person with whom you...
Ways to Use the Notes Section of Your Blessed is She Planner - Blessed Is She

Ways to Use the Notes Section of Your Blessed is She Planner

So you're all moved in to your Blessed is She planner. You've recorded birthdays, anniversaries, upcoming trips, and work conferences. You've determined your goals for the year and have found...
How to Find Catholic Friends in College - Blessed Is She

How to Find Catholic Friends in College

My college journey led me to three different schools over five years as I refined my major, and then transferred until I landed on the right program for me. While...
Crooked Lines: My RCIA Experience - Blessed Is She

Crooked Lines: My RCIA Experience

There is a lull on a day in late June. I find myself searching for Catholic churches nearby where I live in the Loop. I remember a friend recommending Old...
Being Catholic in the Workplace - Blessed Is She

Being Catholic in the Workplace

It's easy to reduce our work or our job down to something that simply pays the bills, keeps the house clean and running, and checks off the next box. But...
Counterparts: On the Feast of St. Clare of Assisi - Blessed Is She

Counterparts: On the Feast of St. Clare of Assisi

There was a time after I finished school that I lived in a community of volunteers. We talked a lot about the potential for conflict, the importance of ‘I’ statements,...
Growing Through Holy Hurt - Blessed Is She

Growing Through Holy Hurt

We live in a tumultuous time. Stories of heartache and disaster fill our newsfeeds and an edge of hostility runs through everything from politics to popular culture. It would be...
Advice for College Freshmen and Transfers - Blessed Is She

Advice for College Freshmen and Transfers

During college, I sometimes felt a little (or a lot) lost. I often wondered if I could really handle an “adult” life. The good news is, I figured it out....
Our Lady of Prompt Succor and Hurricane Season - Blessed Is She

Our Lady of Prompt Succor and Hurricane Season

What if I told you that I could weave a story connecting Napoleon, a 19th century pope, the city of New Orleans, and my home in present-day Florida? Would you...
Rooting Earthly Friendships in Christ - Blessed Is She

Rooting Earthly Friendships in Christ

I remember being an elementary schooler, just absolutely over the moon at the thought of going to middle school. I dreamt of friends who would decorate my first locker for...
Being Rooted in the Faith During the Post-College Transition - Blessed Is She

Being Rooted in the Faith During the Post-College Transition

It took a lot of effort: late night studies, hours spent writing, and a last minute scramble to sew up the hole I burned in my gown, but I finally...