for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Ideas for Displaying Palm Sunday Palms Around Your Home - Blessed Is She

Ideas for Displaying Palm Sunday Palms Around Your Home

Sisters, please tell me I am not the only one who has, admittedly more than once in my life, lost a palm from Palm Sunday. Some time in between folding...
Making Holy Week New - Blessed Is She

Making Holy Week New

Tomorrow, we enter into the holiest week of the Church’s year. If you experienced God’s love and mercy in a new and powerful way this Lent, Holy Week may be...
Giving Our Lives to Jesus: Lessons from St. Joseph - Blessed Is She

Giving Our Lives to Jesus: Lessons from St. Joseph

A poor but noble man was once betrothed to a beautiful, virtuous young woman. Before the wedding, his fiancé became pregnant. But she was—and would remain—a virgin the entirety of...
Renewal and Encouragement for Lent - Blessed Is She

Renewal and Encouragement for Lent

Like a new year, Ash Wednesday can come with excitement, plans, and goals. We are determined that this Lent will be the best Lent ever! Perhaps you had at the...
How to Go to Confession (and a Printable Examination of Conscience for Women) - Blessed Is She

How to Go to Confession (and a Printable Examination of Conscience for Women)

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is a great gift to Catholics. But sometimes we don't avail ourselves of this grace as much as we should. Sometimes fear or uncertainty keep us...
3 Ways to Have a Fruitful Lent - Blessed Is She

3 Ways to Have a Fruitful Lent

As Lent is the time for greater love, listen to Jesus’ thirst…He knows your weakness. He wants only your love, wants only the chance to love you. -Saint Teresa of...
Held Captive: St. Josephine Bakhita + Human Trafficking - Blessed Is She

Held Captive: St. Josephine Bakhita + Human Trafficking

In my former job, I accompanied groups of young adults to the U.S./Mexico border each year. The point of the trip was to serve as a pilgrimage to learn what...
Galentine's Day for Catholic Gals - Blessed Is She

Galentine's Day for Catholic Gals

It’s time for another one of my favorite things ever! Let’s take a current cultural trend and make it Catholic! *applause* Some of you may be familiar with the term...
Becoming the Palace of God - Blessed Is She

Becoming the Palace of God

Most of the time when I receive Jesus in a tiny white host, I wish that I could just hold Him in the palm of my hands a little bit...
Unlikely Blessings: Looking for the Holy Family Today - Blessed Is She

Unlikely Blessings: Looking for the Holy Family Today

The first Christmas I remember receiving Christmas cards addressed to me personally was the year I moved to Denver. Delighted by this very adult practice of sending and receiving Christmas...
Entertaining Angels: Christian Hospitality at Christmas - Blessed Is She

Entertaining Angels: Christian Hospitality at Christmas

Let me tell you a little story. Maybe you’ve heard it before, but stick with me. There once was a lovely couple expecting a baby. For reasons beyond their control,...
Holiday Home Decor on a Budget - Blessed Is She

Holiday Home Decor on a Budget

Every year my husband, Stephen, and I put our Christmas tree up the day after Thanksgiving. It is a tradition from his family we carried into our married life, because...