for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Weekly Wallpaper // 336 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 336

In every age, O Lord, you have been our refuge. // Psalm 90:3 Let His word dwell in us richly, sisters. Download your F R E E wallpapers right here...
Tiny Sparks - Blessed Is She

Tiny Sparks

I trudged along the river shore with determination. The seagulls swooped and chattered above my head as they maneuvered effortlessly in and around the river swells. I kept my head...
BIS Reviews // Fr. Stu - Blessed Is She

BIS Reviews // Fr. Stu

For all of the causes for concern that are splashed across our screens day after day, I have noticed a trend that is heartening. Over the past several years, entertainment...
Steadfast in Sharing Your Faith - Blessed Is She

Steadfast in Sharing Your Faith

By nature, human beings are storytellers. Stories have the power to connect us to one another more than anything else. They can help us understand who we are. We shouldn’t...
Baroque Art and a Beheading - Blessed Is She

Baroque Art and a Beheading

If you ever find yourself in the hustle and bustle of Trafalgar Square in central London, you’ll be surrounded by historic statues and fountains, some built as early as the...
Weekly Wallpaper // 335 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 335

For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted. // Luke 14:11 Let His word dwell in us richly, sisters. Download your...
On Saint Bartholomew - Blessed Is She

On Saint Bartholomew

In the tradition of the Church, Bartholomew and Nathaniel are the same person. Think of Nathaniel as his first name and Bartholomew as his last name, since it designates his...
Weekly Wallpaper // 334 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 334

Go out to all the world and tell the Good News. // Psalm 117:1 Let His word dwell in us richly, sisters. Download your F R E E wallpapers right...
Scripture Verses about the Attributes of God - Blessed Is She

Scripture Verses about the Attributes of God

Jesus told us that He would send the Holy Spirit to remind us of all He said to us (see John 14:26). The Holy Spirit was sent to remind us....
I Believe // A Poem - Blessed Is She

I Believe // A Poem

We are called to be Christ’s light to the world and to spread the Gospel to all, unabashedly. The Holy Spirit gives us the courage and wisdom to do this...
Weekly Wallpaper // 333 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 333

My sheep hear my voice, says the Lord; I know them, and they follow me. // John 10:27 Let His word dwell in us richly, sisters. Download your F R...
Saint Maximilian Kolbe // A Prophet of Hope - Blessed Is She

Saint Maximilian Kolbe // A Prophet of Hope

Holocaust survivor and Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel, in one of his essays, relays his experience in Auschwitz. A Jew was being executed while the rest of the camp watched aghast....