for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

The 2022 Catholic Advent Devotional for Women - Blessed Is She

The 2022 Catholic Advent Devotional for Women

We know you're just starting to pour your PSLs and grab your flannel from the storage boxes, but can we direct your attention to the end of the year for...
Meet the Archangels - Blessed Is She

Meet the Archangels

My husband’s name is Michael and I am always on the lookout for gifts that honor him through his namesake, Saint Michael the Archangel. This past Valentine’s Day I was...
Saint Pio and the Miracle of Wanda Półtawska - Blessed Is She

Saint Pio and the Miracle of Wanda Półtawska

When we are ready to give up hope, we must persevere. The Saints teach us this. Even the darkest night will not last, and it will—it must—give way to the...
Saint Teresa of Calcutta // A Saint in the Darkness - Blessed Is She

Saint Teresa of Calcutta // A Saint in the Darkness

In Something Beautiful for God, the British Journalist Malcolm Muggeridge wrote about an exhilarating experience while filming a documentary on Mother Teresa in 1967. The film crew had arrived at...
On Saint Bartholomew - Blessed Is She

On Saint Bartholomew

In the tradition of the Church, Bartholomew and Nathaniel are the same person. Think of Nathaniel as his first name and Bartholomew as his last name, since it designates his...
Saint Maximilian Kolbe // A Prophet of Hope - Blessed Is She

Saint Maximilian Kolbe // A Prophet of Hope

Holocaust survivor and Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel, in one of his essays, relays his experience in Auschwitz. A Jew was being executed while the rest of the camp watched aghast....
Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross + the Feminine Genius - Blessed Is She

Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross + the Feminine Genius

As the process of selecting Confirmation Saints looms near at our house once again, I find myself doing a lot of name-dropping in case anyone is looking for inspiration related...
Saints Who Went to College - Blessed Is She

Saints Who Went to College

The Catholic Church highly values education. In fact, it was the efforts of Christians and professed religious throughout history who made major advances in the fields of mathematics, science, and...
Clever Catholic Names for Pets - Blessed Is She

Clever Catholic Names for Pets

After the creation of the world, God gave to Adam the notable task of naming the animals. Typically, the right of naming is reserved for the creator of said thing,...
Saint Maria Goretti // Witness to Reconciliation - Blessed Is She

Saint Maria Goretti // Witness to Reconciliation

Many years ago, my dad was going through his father’s desk and showed me a precious, antique Christmas card. Attached to the card was a relic of Saint Maria Goretti....
4 Saints Who Were Encouraged to Have Abortions - Blessed Is She

4 Saints Who Were Encouraged to Have Abortions

The discovery of a new pregnancy is one of the most exciting things that can happen to a woman. At the same time, it can also be incredibly fear-inducing. After...
Saint Joan of Arc // Humble Maiden, Courageous Warrior - Blessed Is She

Saint Joan of Arc // Humble Maiden, Courageous Warrior

When my daughter was diagnosed with dyslexia in second grade, she was already fighting an uphill battle with reading. The way in which she was being taught at school was...