for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

7 Lessons I’ve Learned in Marriage - Blessed Is She

7 Lessons I’ve Learned in Marriage

Recently, I had the joyful opportunity of attending the wedding Mass of my son’s teacher and her (now) husband. It had been a long time since I attended a Nuptial...
Bagels and the Providence of God - Blessed Is She

Bagels and the Providence of God

Let me paint the scene: It was a girl’s day out, everyone was grabbing some lunch, and I was stuck in the ordering line having an existential crisis about whether...
Single Ladies, Put Your Hands Up // Keeping Standards High While Dating - Blessed Is She

Single Ladies, Put Your Hands Up // Keeping Standards High While Dating

Recently I spoke with a young woman leaving for her freshman year of college. The subject of dating came up. I asked her what she was looking for in a...
Praying Through Your Engagement - Blessed Is She

Praying Through Your Engagement

I couldn't believe it. Looking down at my shaking (and now sparkling!) left hand, then up at the face of my smiling best friend, I realized it really happened: I...
Tiny Sparks - Blessed Is She

Tiny Sparks

I trudged along the river shore with determination. The seagulls swooped and chattered above my head as they maneuvered effortlessly in and around the river swells. I kept my head...
Letter to Married Couples in the Year of the Family - Blessed Is She

Letter to Married Couples in the Year of the Family

Amoris Laetitia. The joy of love. This is the title of Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation which focuses on the love within the family. Just over a year ago, on the...
REMAIN Series // Living in the Longing - Blessed Is She

REMAIN Series // Living in the Longing

As I sat in the back of the empty desert chapel, I remembered I was not alone, but with Jesus. I let my tears fall and with them, my grasping...
Best Books for Discerning Marriage - Blessed Is She

Best Books for Discerning Marriage

Ever since I was a little girl, I knew I wanted to be married. I was always "falling in love" with boys and looking forward to being a mother. However,...
How Conflict in Marriage Can Lead to Greater Intimacy with Jesus - Blessed Is She

How Conflict in Marriage Can Lead to Greater Intimacy with Jesus

One of the things I have observed about my parents’ marriage and eventual divorce is the fact that they rarely argued in front of my sister and me. I used...
Discernment as a Team - Blessed Is She

Discernment as a Team

In Catholic circles, the word "discernment" is often thrown around. And with good reason. Making decisions prayerfully and intentionally is one of the best ways we can honor God by...
I Was Healed through Our Lady's Intercession - Blessed Is She

I Was Healed through Our Lady's Intercession

When I was seven or eight years old, I felt very disconnected from my friends and family. I noticed that I had a different way of thinking that just did...
REMEMBER Series // Miracles When Moving - Blessed Is She

REMEMBER Series // Miracles When Moving

Welcome to our Remember series, where we pause to reflect on how God has proven faithful in the past so to help us place our trust in Him in the...