chatting about prayer, community, + daily life


Becoming Hungry for God

Becoming Hungry for God

Today Beth and I explore the concept of being hungry for God. You know that deep yearning for His presence and His Word that often gets overshadowed by the chaos...
14 mars, 2025
The Ins and Outs of Eucharistic Adoration

The Ins and Outs of Eucharistic Adoration

Have you ever thought about what it would be like if Jesus was speaking at a church tonight? Would you make the effort to be there? That’s the essence of...
28 février, 2025
Embracing the Beauty of the Ordinary: Finding Joy in the Simple Moments of Life

Embracing the Beauty of the Ordinary: Finding Joy in the Simple Moments of Life

In a world that often values the extraordinary and the sensational, it can be easy to overlook the profound beauty and grace that can be found in the simple, ordinary...
01 août, 2024
Embracing the Unexpected Path: A Journey of Intimacy with the Good Shepherd

Embracing the Unexpected Path: A Journey of Intimacy with the Good Shepherd

In our Catholic Faith, we often encounter paths that diverge from our expectations. Unexpected shifts in our careers, relationships, or life situations may disorient and unsettle us. In these moments,...
17 juillet, 2024
Quenching the Thirst: Discovering God's Restorative Power

Quenching the Thirst: Discovering God's Restorative Power

In a world that frequently leaves us feeling dry and unfulfilled, the Lord presents Himself as the Fountain of Life, satisfying our deepest thirst. When we view the world through...
10 juillet, 2024
Trusting God's Goodness: Finding Comfort and Assurance in His Character - Blessed Is She

Trusting God's Goodness: Finding Comfort and Assurance in His Character

God's Goodness in Uncertain Times In a world that often feels chaotic and unpredictable, it can be challenging to maintain a steadfast trust in God's goodness. Yet, as followers of...
26 juin, 2024
The Good Shepherd: Discovering the Depths - Blessed Is She

The Good Shepherd: Discovering the Depths

The Comfort and Complexity of Jesus as the Good Shepherd As we enter the Advent season, the image of Jesus as the Good Shepherd takes on a renewed significance. This...
14 juin, 2024
Chase The Grace // Blessed is She Podcast: The Gathering Place Episode 98 - Blessed Is She

Chase The Grace // Blessed is She Podcast: The Gathering Place Episode 98

Cette année a été folle. Nous avons peut-être dévié de nos routines de prière et nous nous débattons. Il veut le savoir. Il veut être proche de vous dans cette...
13 novembre, 2020
Coming Back to the Well // Blessed is She Podcast: The Gathering Place Episode 4 - Blessed Is She

Revenir au puits // Blessed is She Podcast: The Gathering Place Episode 4

Voici notre dernier épisode avec la charmante Anna Coyne. En savoir plus sur Anna sur son blog, The Heart's Overflow . Joignez-vous à nous pour parler des moments qui nous...
13 avril, 2018