Let whoever is simple turn in here; To the one who lacks understanding, she says, Come, eat of my food, and drink of the wine I have mixed! // Proverbs 9:4-5
One of my favorite children’s books is about a young mouse named Marble. He lives in King Solomon’s palace and Marble’s father instructs Marble to listen to all he hears because King Solomon is such a wise king. A secondary character who steals the show with her proverb-dropping is the wise hawk named Wisdom. Now hawks and mice don't traditionally have easy friendships, but after a rather frightening beginning, little Marble is instructed by his parents that, if their old friend Wisdom is with him, he may leave the palace. Adventures and lessons ensue in the subsequent chapters about friendship choices, how we spend leisure time, and other important life lessons.
The character of the hawk is based on the biblical personification of Wisdom found throughout the Scriptures. In today’s First Reading, Wisdom is portrayed as a woman setting up her home and inviting others (see Proverbs 9:1-6). In both these examples, wisdom is represented as something or someone present and inviting. She sends out her maidens, inviting all who are simple and lack understanding to forsake foolishness and advance in understanding. Wisdom is pursuing the simple and humble among us, inviting us to something greater.
Even now Wisdom still instructs and guides. As we enter her house and open ourselves to her influence, she brings us closer to the Lord. It is not about growing in intelligence so that we can show everyone how smart we are—rather it is about growing in humility, docility, and obedience so that we may serve the kingdom of God. A desire to grow in wisdom is simply a desire to grow in understanding of God and His Will.
Wisdom is calling to each of us, ready to instruct and guide. How will you answer her invitation today?