Begin Your Day in Prayer
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Selective Listening Is Never Listening
"Everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock." // Matthew 7:24 I have always...
Look for Him
"This is the LORD for whom we looked." // Isaiah 25:9 As I read these words this morning, I immediately thought of Pope Saint John Paul II. I remember learning...
At Midnight, in Bethlehem, in the Piercing Cold
Happy feast of Saint Andrew, apostle, and happy Catholic New Year! Our new liturgical year began two days ago on the first Sunday of Advent. That means that now is...
Amaze Jesus with Your Faith
I realize my desire to have a welcoming home for Jesus comes at my family’s expense. “Put your toys away. Let’s try to keep the house tidy for Jesus’ birthday....
He Is Hope Fulfilled
I lit each candle, whispering their names, and letting the tears fall. The sweet smell of melting wax and smoke was both familiar and comforting. Yet the ache in my...
Waking Up to Freedom
My eyelids drooped as I scrolled well past bedtime, when suddenly I caught my reflection in the dresser mirror—face sallow in the harsh glow of my phone. I half laughed,...
Finding Jesus and Mary in the Valleys
I was in college and volunteering as a youth minister when I was introduced to the Salve Regina ("Hail Holy Queen") prayer. Standing in that church basement making photocopies one...
The Glory of God in You
Today is Thanksgiving Day in the United States—a day set aside for gratitude and gatherings. We know well the psychological, physical, and spiritual benefits of gratitude. Most of us has...
God Made It
A few years ago, we renovated our kitchen. We had bought our house from my husband’s parents and, along with the joy of my children being the fourth generation of...
¡Viva, Cristo Rey!
“¡Viva, Cristo Rey!” (Long live Christ the King!) I can almost hear him—sounding out these words with a full voice and a heart beating with conviction. Today we celebrate the...
First Say No
I remember when my parents decided to start tithing in our church. I remember it clearly because they increased our allowance slightly as well and suggested that we give a...
Fight for the Kingdom
Sometimes the fight feels futile. The rosaries, the novenas, the late-night pleas on your knees—they often feel, well, weak. Because when you are saying a Hail Mary while watching death...