I drew them with human cords, with bands of love; I fostered them like one who raises an infant to his cheeks. // Hosea 11:4
Saint Benedict, whose feast day we celebrate today, traveled once a year to visit his twin sister, Saint Scholastica, at a house between his monastery and her convent. Because of their commitment to consecrated religious life, they were rarely able to see one another. They enjoyed their time together, spending the day praying and talking together about the things of the Lord. Finally, when it was time for them to part before nightfall, Scholastica wasn’t ready for the visit to be over. She asked the Lord for a few more hours with her brother. That night, a storm rolled through the area, making travel by foot impossible until the morning. It turned out to be their last visit on earth, as three days later Saint Scholastica passed into eternity (source).
With this gift, the Lord loved Saint Scholastica and Saint Benedict in a particular way. It was a simple thing, really, but that is what makes it magnificent. Nothing is too small for Jesus. He offers to give us everything we need.
This is what He proclaimed to His disciples in today’s Gospel (see Matthew 10:7-15). As they went from town to town preaching the Gospel, healing the sick, and casting out demons, they were not to bring provisions. Their shelter, clothing, and sustenance would come through the generosity of those in the cities they were visiting. It was an invitation to trust that the Lord would provide what they need.
The disciples and these holy twins show us what this radical trust looks like lived out. Every need and every desire was brought before Jesus. In their immense trust in His particular love, they believed that He would give them all that they required.
What would our lives look like if we lived the same?
What need feels impossible to be provided for by God? What desire feels too small or silly to be satisfied by Him? Spend a few minutes in prayer today with this consideration. Let your mind settle. Allow your needs and desires to rise to the surface. In faith, present them to Jesus and ask Him to take care of you. He always will.