A young girl, so astray, sat comfortably, but utterly broken, in her chains. She knew they were there, but she refused to believe it.
I thought I was being a “good Catholic,” but all I was doing was running towards something that God was trying to push me away from.
I was so incredibly lost. I kept digging for worldly things to make me happy. I was too blind and stubborn to see that the most substantial source of happiness was right in front of my eyes: God.
Thankfully, the Father is an exceptionally patient Father. He had faith in me. He had faith that I would come back running into His loving and forgiving arms.
In today’s First Reading, we read, “Listen to my voice; then I will be your god and you shall be my people. Walk in all the ways that I command you, so that you may prosper” (Jeremiah 7:23).
I had blocked out the voice of our beloved Father because I was scared. I was scared of losing what I thought was important. After putting away what was distracting me from my relationship with Him, I wasn’t necessarily sad. I felt freedom.
I had an image in my mind of holding hands with Jesus as we ran through a field together, our hair blowing in the wind. The golden sunlight kissed our faces. We were laughing, smiling, and shared a warm embrace. It was His way of saying, “Welcome back.” He is always willing to welcome us back. No matter how far we’ve walked away.
He is always willing to welcome us back. // Bella RolClick to tweet
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