I pressed my cheek against her soft curls.
We were in a hospital bed in the emergency room. My baby girl had a fever and her lips were turning blue from low oxygen levels. I prayed as I watched her small belly rise and fall violently as she struggled for breath. She had a minor virus that had turned serious due to asthma.
The doctors were able to get her breathing under control. As we walked out of the hospital the next day wearily shielding our eyes from the bright sun, my heart cried out to the Lord a series of complaints.
I have five young children.
I have invited others into our home who were in difficult circumstances that I felt called to serve and love.
I am weary.
The disciples knew weariness as they walked along the road to Emmaus. They had left everything behind to follow Jesus. Jesus was supposed to be the Savior and He had been crucified. They had witnessed demons flee, and the mute speak, and the deaf hear, and the lame walk, and the dead rise, yet, here they were now feeling hopeless.
On this road, shadowed by despair and doubt, Jesus joins them. Jesus asks what they are talking about and they tell Him. Jesus, in His mercy, points them to His Word.
Jesus says, “Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory?” Jesus opens the Scriptures to them, and although they are kept from recognizing Him, their hearts burn within them. They finally recognize Him in the breaking of the bread, in communion.
We are all the disciples on the road to Emmaus. We struggle with doubt that God is Who He says He is. Doubt that He is with us, that He can heal us, that He can restore us. However in His Word we are reminded of His promises. And His Presence, veiled in mystery, satisfies our burning hearts.
May we proclaim, "The Lord has truly been raised!" (Luke 24:34)
We are all the disciples on the road to Emmaus. // Leana BowlerClick to tweet
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Leana Bowler is a wife and mother of five little ones. She is a Holy Rosary enthusiast with deep devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Her love for the message of Divine Mercy led her to become a Marian Missionary of Divine Mercy dedicated to spreading Marian Consecration and the beauty of Christ's abundant Mercy. She enjoys finding the miracles in the mess of family life, books, strong coffee, and encountering others wherever they're at in this blessed journey to sainthood. You can find out more about her here.