this is our daily bread


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I Won't Grow Up - Blessed Is She

I Won't Grow Up

I couldn’t wait to grow up. I couldn’t wait to get to middle school, to get my driver’s license, to head off to college, to live on my own. By...
July 05, 2020
Have You Also Been Burned? - Blessed Is She

Have You Also Been Burned?

He brings it up again during Adoration. The nudge, the call. Jesus has been tenderly stoking a near-absent fire in my heart. It once blazed, providing warmth and light, releasing...
July 04, 2020
Beautiful But Also Gross - Blessed Is She

Beautiful But Also Gross

Today is the feast of Saint Thomas the Apostle. In the Gospel, we read the beautiful—yet, ya know, also gross—story of Thomas, invited by Jesus to put his finger inside...
July 03, 2020
Having the Centurion's Heart - Blessed Is She

Having the Centurion's Heart

If you've cared for a loved one who has been ill, or even witnessed from afar another's deep suffering, you know the sorrow of the centurion in today's Gospel reading,...
June 27, 2020
Jesus Is Still Changing Me - Blessed Is She

Jesus Is Still Changing Me

Truly encountering Jesus in the Eucharist leaves one changed. It left me changed. A lifelong Catholic, I first encountered Christ in the Eucharist, as a Person, when I was sixteen....
June 14, 2020
He Wants Me and I Want Him - Blessed Is She

He Wants Me and I Want Him

The familiar feel of the Host was cool on my tongue. Entering me physically and spiritually, I was completely filled with His love for me. Tears filled my eyes as...
June 09, 2020
Come and Stay at My Home - Blessed Is She

Come and Stay at My Home

I love the image of the first female small group in the New Testament reading, Acts 16:11-15. "If you consider me a believer in the Lord, come and stay at...
May 18, 2020
Bread That's Full of Promise - Blessed Is She

Bread That's Full of Promise

I used to starve myself. For years, I went through life learning how to neglect the thunderous rumble of the emptiness inside. It began as a whisper, a modest groan...
April 30, 2020
Resurrection is His Promise - Blessed Is She

Resurrection is His Promise

I began my senior year of college this past fall filled with excitement and expectant hope. I anticipated the fulfillment of promises that were made and the fruition of my...
April 29, 2020
You Won't Hunger or Thirst - Blessed Is She

You Won't Hunger or Thirst

Jesus desires that every single person would know His living promise: "I am the bread of life; Whoever comes to me will never hunger, And whoever believes in me will...
April 28, 2020
Miracles in Your Life and Mine - Blessed Is She

Miracles in Your Life and Mine

If Jesus hadn't performed any miracles, it would have been much more difficult for people to believe that He was the Messiah, that He was Who He said He was,...
March 23, 2020
Longing for Love - Blessed Is She

Longing for Love

I gazed out at idyllic sweeping meadows and the soaring Alps above me, almost convinced I'd been dropped in the Sound of Music instead of a summer internship—save for my...
February 14, 2020