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Your Radiance from Him - Blessed Is She

Your Radiance from Him

"Rise up in splendour, Jerusalem. Your light has come, the glory of the Lord shines upon you" (Isaiah 60:1). I don't have much Scripture memorized, but I do have a...
January 05, 2020
Finding What We are Looking For - Blessed Is She

Finding What We are Looking For

"What are you looking for?" he asked me. We were sitting outside of the coffee shop on a breezy Sunday afternoon. "What are you looking for in a relationship?" he...
January 04, 2020
Know Your Name - Blessed Is She

Know Your Name

Our names tell a story from the moment they were written on a birth certificate. Some names have been passed down generation after generation. Others have been on the "when...
January 03, 2020
The Day After - Blessed Is She

The Day After

“You know my least favorite days of the year?” I look up, bemused at my oldest son, ready for a proclamation. “The days after a holiday,” he declares with a...
January 02, 2020
Gathering Treasures in My Heart - Blessed Is She

Gathering Treasures in My Heart

One afternoon, I dialed the numbers I've known for most of my life. I had a question for my mom. The spiritual life is meant to be shared, but there...
January 01, 2020
Tucked into His Sacred Heart - Blessed Is She

Tucked into His Sacred Heart

"And the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us" (John 1:14). He was sick that day, it turns out. The day he hadn't come to classes, the day...
December 31, 2019
New - Blessed Is She


NEW. I’d always seen it as a word demanding action, resolution, a shedding of my former self to chase a “better” self. “This New Year,” shouted the world, “will be...
December 30, 2019
Following His Difficult, Loving Way - Blessed Is She

Following His Difficult, Loving Way

Today, on the Feast of the Holy Family, I am grateful. Particularly because I am reminded by our readings today that above all, my call is to put on love...
December 29, 2019
Tugging on Knots that Squeeze You Tighter - Blessed Is She

Tugging on Knots that Squeeze You Tighter

Hunting is not one of those hobbies I list in my repertoire, but I’ve watched and read enough period dramas to get the gist of how a snare works. It’s...
December 28, 2019
Working on a More Joyful Heart - Blessed Is She

Working on a More Joyful Heart

I am a joy chaser. It started a few years ago. I chose 'Joy' as my word for my year. It seemed to be the missing element from my otherwise...
December 27, 2019
A Perfectly Imperfect Christmas With Saint Stephen - Blessed Is She

A Perfectly Imperfect Christmas With Saint Stephen

If I had to wager a guess, I'm going to presume that I'll spend these first days of Christmas basking in all that is good in these holy days—the quiet...
December 26, 2019
Your Light, Christmas Lights - Blessed Is She

Your Light, Christmas Lights

The imagery of light is perhaps one of the most easily accessible and understood metaphors in Christian spirituality. Scripture is peppered with references to light, and Jesus frequently uses the...
December 25, 2019