for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

A Wrinkle in Time Review - Blessed Is She

A Wrinkle in Time Review

It’s always a little unnerving when a well-loved novel gets a cinematic makeover, isn’t it? It can go so, so well. But it can also leave you feeling disappointed, confused,...
Finding Joy in the Teen Years (Plus Advice from the Trenches) - Blessed Is She

Finding Joy in the Teen Years (Plus Advice from the Trenches)

I recently Googled “parenting teens” just to see what would come up. To my complete lack of surprise, here are some of the articles that popped up on the first...
Bless + Visit - Blessed Is She

Bless + Visit

Instructions for Blessing the Home Using chalk, mark the lintel of your front door (or front porch step) as follows: 20 + C + M + B + 18 While...
Entertaining Angels: Christian Hospitality at Christmas - Blessed Is She

Entertaining Angels: Christian Hospitality at Christmas

Let me tell you a little story. Maybe you’ve heard it before, but stick with me. There once was a lovely couple expecting a baby. For reasons beyond their control,...
Music from the Heart: Celebrating St. Cecilia - Blessed Is She

Music from the Heart: Celebrating St. Cecilia

If you sing well, sing loudly in order to thank God for the gift He has given you. If you don’t sing well, sing even louder to remind Him of...
Which Saint? How to Pick Your Patron for the School Year - Blessed Is She

Which Saint? How to Pick Your Patron for the School Year

We are big fans of our guardian angels in my house. My kids ask their angels for help when they are faced with a big test at school or if...
A Prayer for Our Children's Teachers - Blessed Is She

A Prayer for Our Children's Teachers

It’s that magical time of year again. Shopping carts are filled with endless reams of paper, composition books, glue sticks, and pencils. Big yellow buses are cruising the neighborhood during...