for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Remember Me: Celebrating the Day of the Dead - Blessed Is She

Remember Me: Celebrating the Day of the Dead

One of the seven Corporal Works of Mercy is to “bury the dead.” While this certainly means grieving alongside families who have lost loved ones, it also means continuing to...
Ways to Celebrate Our Lady's Birthday - Blessed Is She

Ways to Celebrate Our Lady's Birthday

In August we celebrated the Assumption of Mary—her entrance into heaven. That occurance is so monumental that it’s a holy day of obligation. Entering eternal life is certainly a bigger...
Advice for College Freshmen and Transfers - Blessed Is She

Advice for College Freshmen and Transfers

During college, I sometimes felt a little (or a lot) lost. I often wondered if I could really handle an “adult” life. The good news is, I figured it out....
How to Listen to the Spirit (Instead of the Flippant Opinions of Others) in Your Vocational Discernment - Blessed Is She

How to Listen to the Spirit (Instead of the Flippant Opinions of Others) in Your Vocational Discernment

I started going to daily Mass when I was in college and continued doing so over my summer breaks. There, I encountered an unexpected hurdle: the other regular Mass attendees...
How to View Media Through the Lens of Faith - Blessed Is She

How to View Media Through the Lens of Faith

I grew up attending private Catholic schools, youth conferences, and retreats. I was exposed to the Gospel on a regular basis. As a child, and especially as a teenager, I...
What The Office Taught Me About the Beauty of Ordinary Life - Blessed Is She

What The Office Taught Me About the Beauty of Ordinary Life

I love NBC’s hit television series The Office. I converted all my family and friends into fans and quotes from the characters are part of my daily conversations. My high...
Spiritual Showers Bring Spiritual Flowers - Blessed Is She

Spiritual Showers Bring Spiritual Flowers

When God created mankind, He gave us five senses. Our senses help us to understand and interact with the physical world around us. Being made in God’s image and likeness,...
Not-So-Typical Unique Catholic Baby Names - Blessed Is She

Not-So-Typical Unique Catholic Baby Names

When my husband and I were expecting our first baby, we knew we wanted to give our baby a name from the tradition of our Faith. Of course, choosing a...
The Greatest Showman Review (from a Catholic Perspective) - Blessed Is She

The Greatest Showman Review (from a Catholic Perspective)

I once read somewhere, that next to silence, music is the only thing that can come close to expressing the inexpressible. This is certainly true in my life. I love...
Scrupulosity: When Catholic Guilt Goes Wrong - Blessed Is She

Scrupulosity: When Catholic Guilt Goes Wrong

The word scrupulous is usually used to describe someone who is extremely thorough and attentive to detail. It’s meant to be a compliment. However, for many Catholics, being scrupulous is...
Fa La La La Films: 10 Merry Movies - Blessed Is She

Fa La La La Films: 10 Merry Movies

Fuzzy blankets, hot chocolate, falling snow, and merry movies. To me, this is an ideal way to spend a December evening while snuggling with my cuddle bugs that disguise themselves...
Fixer Upper Has Fixed More than Houses - Blessed Is She

Fixer Upper Has Fixed More than Houses

The fifth season of the hit show Fixer Upper is underway. You might heard the news that this will be the final season of the show, which stars the husband...