John 3:16.
It’s on the bottom of my In-N-Out fry dish and soda cup. It’s also on the bottom of my Forever 21 bag. It was written on Tim Tebow’s eye black during some of the most important football games he ever played, and it is probably the most well-known Scripture verse in the world.
As I read today's Gospel, I recall the song I was taught as a child, a song that you may know—cue music—“For God so loved the world, He gave His only son . . . ” (John 3:16). I find myself moved to reflect on different parts of this Gospel each time I hear it, and today I am struck by the word "whoever."
"Whoever believes in him will not be condemned . . ." (John 3:18).
Today I am reminded of the people I love who do not believe in Jesus Christ, who are not part of this "whoever." And I am motivated in a brand-new way to pray for them with fervor.
Perhaps there are people you love who do not know or believe in Jesus. Today I invite you to pray for them by name, to pray that they come to the knowledge and belief that John 3:16 was for them.
I challenge you, on this day, to pray for them—then to let them know that you are.
"I'm praying for you today!" Send it in a text, in an e-mail, or say it out loud. One little sentence, one small step in evangelization, can bring more beautiful souls into that gathering of those who believe.
I challenge you, on this day, to pray for them—then to let them know that you are.Click to tweet
Do you know about praying this prayer for the conversion of hearts?
Emily Wilson-Hussem planned her whole life to become a sports reporter but turned out to be a Catholic musician and speaker at the hand of God. She lives out of her suitcase and travels across the world speaking to people of all ages. The heart of her ministry is offering encouragement to teen girls in search of their true identity, and she loves every second of it. She is the author of I Choose the Sky and Go Bravely. You can find out more about her here.