It really felt like me against the world while sitting in a bar with two of my girlfriends and two nice guys that bought us drinks. Well, nice until I mentioned my occupation as a full-time Catholic evangelist.
So you still believe in fairytales, huh?
Catholics are so dumb and your priests are . . . .
We’re atheists because we actually believe in science and reason rather than false hope and magic.
Whether it is two men at a bar in Napa or a community of people in Corinth being addressed by Saint Paul, unbelievers abound.
“But if Christ is preached as raised from the dead, how can some among you say there is no resurrection of the dead?” (1 Corinthians 15:12)
I’m not a theologian, philosopher, or a Scripture scholar, but like Saint Paul, I can use both my personal experiences and reason to believe that Jesus the Christ is the Word Made Flesh Who lived (and lives!) amongst His people. It is He Who saved us from our sins by the Cross and brings us to new life eternal by His Resurrection.
Like the women in today’s Gospel, my testimonies are based on a lived relationship with Jesus Who has loved me through my most difficult and most joyful moments. My faith is also sustained by continuously learning about the life of Christ and the Church, and seeing it in modern culture. Reason and science do not contradict faith. And secular culture, although contentious at times, does not disprove it either.
By the end of our lively discussion, one of the men finally conceded that he was more agnostic than atheist, and I smiled. Not because I had “won” a debate, but because I knew that God could do anything with that little bit of faith.
Are you struggling with faith or with understanding Catholicism? Do you have a friend, son, daughter, sibling, or spouse who is away from the Church? Keep praying! No one is ever too far from the Lord! And don’t be afraid to research our Faith and use modern culture to share Gospel truths.