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Religion and Politics at the Dinner Table? - Blessed Is She

Religion and Politics at the Dinner Table?

The upcoming U.S. presidential election will be the first in which my oldest son is eligible to vote. I feel pretty confident that he’s ready for the responsibility, because ....
October 18, 2020
That Both/And Double-Gut Punch - Blessed Is She

That Both/And Double-Gut Punch

Catholics like to note that ours is a religion of “both/and” not “either/or.” Mostly that’s a good thing. We value faith and works, Scripture and Tradition. It’s a beautiful richness...
September 09, 2020
Are Sharks Bad Guys? - Blessed Is She

Are Sharks Bad Guys?

My three-year-old son is in the thick of the concrete thinking stage of childhood. He is busy learning about the world, and part of that is taking comfort in order...
August 19, 2020
Beautiful But Also Gross - Blessed Is She

Beautiful But Also Gross

Today is the feast of Saint Thomas the Apostle. In the Gospel, we read the beautiful—yet, ya know, also gross—story of Thomas, invited by Jesus to put his finger inside...
July 03, 2020
Lost and Found - Blessed Is She

Lost and Found

Today is the feast of Saint Anthony of Padua. During his lifetime he was known for his masterful preaching, knowledge of scripture, and love of the poor. Now, of course,...
June 13, 2020