Blessed the man who [ . . . ] delights in the law of the LORD and meditates on his law day and night. // Psalm 1:1-2
Lonely and exhausted, I finally abandoned all the various unfinished projects around the house and headed for bed. I am naturally a morning person, so the night is not usually my friend. Late nights lead to late mornings, and with three kids ages ten and under, late mornings make for a cranky mama. Alas, life as a young widow sometimes requires burning the candle at both ends.
Tempted to scroll social media searching for that dopamine hit, I instead brushed my teeth, slid into my bed, and listened to Night Prayer via an app. The soothing voice led me into prayer instead of the endless loop of others’ lives. I was ushered into God’s presence as I reflected on my day and was soothed by the psalmist’s beautiful words. I lay there in the dark, eyes closed, letting this ancient prayer practice prepare my heart for rest.
I think most of us could say that our prayer lives are a work in progress, constantly changing as our lives, relationships, and intimacy with God grow. With the help of wise friends, our own discernment, and books we read, we are able to find what works for us.
Do you need an app to pray? The answer is decisively no. But can an app be a helpful tool while you are learning a new way to pray? Absolutely! Technology inevitably plays a role in your life. Why not use it to draw you closer to God?
What are your favorite tools for seeking greater intimacy with God? Where can you turn when you feel stuck? The Liturgy of the Hours is quickly becoming one of my favorite prayer rhythms—so much beauty and truth is packed into a few short minutes at regular intervals throughout the day. What an amazing privilege and joy to be able to pray in concert with thousands of Saints, priests, and religious brothers and sisters both now and from centuries before us! If you haven’t yet, I encourage you to give it a try. See what happens when you replace one of your normal scrolling breaks with a prayer break instead.