Therefore, put on the armor of God, that you may be able to resist on the evil day and, having done everything, to hold your ground. // Ephesians 6:13
My confirmation Saint is Joan of Arc, so I love the metaphor of battle when it comes to the spiritual life. But too often I mount my horse on my own command, armed with my own strength, ability, and will.
Those things wear out rather quickly.
And in the battle against temptation, sin, and distraction, I can become discouraged by defeat due to my own pride.
This is not the kind of battle the Lord desires us to fight. He intends to fight with and for us.
In this spiritual battle, we are often on the defensive. And we should be! But too often we forget that we have been given power through the Holy Spirit and we operate by His strength. So we don’t have to flee in fear but we can engage in battle because of our confidence in the Lord.
Saint Paul speaks in today’s First Reading (see Ephesians 6:10-20) about defending our most important parts with the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith, the breastplate of righteousness, and the girdle of Truth.
He then calls us to battle offensively with two things: feet shod in the Gospel of peace and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.
Our offensive weapons have only to do with what God says. We don’t rely on our own opinions of ourselves, our own theories, or our own schemes. We rely on the Word of God and the message of the Gospel.
We move forward, then, in peace, because the declaration of the Gospel is that the battle has already been won.
Our battles can be all-consuming, especially when we cower or try to fight by our own power. The clamoring metal, shouting, and confusion can overwhelm us. But we can fight in peace. We are more than conquerors through Him Who has loved us.
What “weapon” of Saint Paul’s armor do you need to engage in this battle today? Name it and ask the Holy Spirit for it. Then wield confidently the words of Sacred Scripture (today’s Responsorial Psalm 144 is a perfect place to start) for they are absolutely true and undefeated.