As I sit down to write each devotion, I say a simple prayer.
Come Holy Spirit. Allow me to write exactly what these women need to read. Allow Your message to flow through me, according to Your word.
My favorite Bible verse is Luke 1:38. I aspire to be the handmaid of the Lord. I pray for the perfect faith and trust of the Blessed Virgin. I sit a while with that prayer while I read through my assigned scripture. Often, some passage or element jumps out at me and I am drawn to convey a particular message. Whenever I’ve tried to force my writing into a particular direction, it has gone poorly and the Holy Spirit gently nudges me back on track. Sometimes, it’s not so gentle. This is one of those times.
Today’s Scripture was screaming at me. It was as if His words were jumping off the page. I could feel the power of His words. He wanted to pierce my heart with a simple, yet powerful, message.
I am coming, are you ready for me?
I stopped in my tracks. Am I? I’ve been doing my Advent devotional and we light our Advent wreath. I prayerfully ponder upon the nativity scenes in my home. We sing Advent songs at Mass. I talk to my children about how Jesus is coming and we will be able to add Him to our manger. But is my heart ready?
Throughout today’s readings, I was struck with this strong image of Jesus’ arrival—down to Earth, into my home, into her womb, and into my heart. Over and over, I saw a rush of images, a swirl of home and heart. He is telling the world to prepare for His coming, but asking me to prepare my own heart. He has that personal message for each one of us.
The Lord could not be more clear with His message for us today—Get ready! I am coming.
The Lord could not be more clear with His message for us today—Get ready! I am coming.Click to tweet
As we prepare ourselves and meditate on the Blessed Virgin Mary's journey as well, enjoy these images of a pregnant Mary from all around the world.
Dr. Samantha Aguinaldo-Wetterholm is a wife to Paul, mom to three little ones, and practices dentistry at a public health community center for low income families in the Bay Area, California. She (unashamedly) thinks ice cream is its own food group, loves anything Harry Potter, does not leave the house without wearing sparkly earrings, and is an enthusiastic proponent of the Oxford comma. Find out more about her here.