January 7, 2025 // Optional Memorial of Saint Raymond of Penyafort, Priest
Read the Word // Open your Bible to today’s First Reading: 1 John 4:7-10
Reflect on the Word //
It was January 1. Enthusiasm bubbled up within me as I began my New Year’s resolutions. I had carefully discerned my goals and how I was going to execute them. I couldn’t wait for a “new me” to emerge.
After only three weeks, “life” interfered with my best-laid plans. My children got sick. Projects and activities arose that required my attention. Feeling tired and frazzled, I chose sleep over my new early-morning prayer time. My plans fell apart.
Once the busyness subsided, I contemplated what went wrong, and I realized that I failed to integrate my new plans into real life. I also recognized why I was so easily derailed. I relied solely on myself to succeed, not leaving room for God’s will or His grace. Even more so, I was so focused on striving, accomplishing, and checking boxes off a list that when I did not achieve my goals, I felt defeated. I didn’t even consider that what I was doing over those few weeks genuinely mattered—maybe even more than my resolutions—because in those moments, I was being called to love. And “everyone who loves is begotten by God and knows God” (1 John 4:7).
I was reminded that what I do (or don’t do) does not define my worth; God defines it. My worth is found in Him. I am beloved. Loved by a God Who is love. He loves me for who I am, not what I do. And so, what matters most is how I respond to His call to love.
As women, however, we often measure our worth by our contributions and accomplishments: our GPA in school, the raise at work, the healthy meals we prepare for our families. Even our consistent prayer routine is tracked. And when we don’t get the promotion, when we find ourselves in the drive-thru line ordering dinner, or when we miss our morning prayer for the third day in a row, we feel like failures.
But none of these externally measurable things define us. However, our response to the call to love can transform us. We are beloved. God loves us whether we do certain things or not. He “sent his only-begotten Son into the world so that we might have life through him” (1 John 4:10), and all He asks of us in return is to love and be loved by Him.
Relate to the Lord // How will you live in your beloved identity today?