I like comfortable. I love comfortable. Sometimes, I’ve made comfortable an idol. Have you? And, boy, is it hard to realize that I’ve slipped so far down that slope that all I can see is mud and mess and me, me, me. But He calls us to greater things.
In the First Reading today Saint Paul encourages us to look up and seek what is above. Because all this stuff down here? All this comfort can become chains, and we can become slaves to our passions, be it money, food, gossipy chit chat. Our comfort might even take the form of not wanting to admit that we are a Christian because of the discomfort it might cause others and ourselves. But Saint Paul doesn’t just say “Hey, just cut it back a bit; don’t do it as much.” No. He tells us to put it to death. (Colossians 3:5)
Many years ago I heard the phrase “dying to self” and thought, well that’s not any fun. But in my Christian journey I have grown, and I’ve learned to love that saying. I can now say that I will let this little (or big) comfort die. I will give this imperfection, this bad habit, this addiction to Jesus. It means I will be uncomfortable, and I might even experience some pain. But He said, blessed are you. Blessed are you who are poor, hungry, weeping, hated, because your reward is in Heaven. (Luke 6:20-26)
The paradox of the the Resurrection is that His death means life. And when we die with Him, we live.
Pray with me today: Lord, show me how to die so that I might live.
The paradox of the the Resurrection is that His death means life.Click to tweet
Jacqueline Skemp is a daughter, sister, wife, and mother who endures living in Minnesota after leaving California for her one true love. You can find out more about her here.