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Jesus, Your Go-To Person - Blessed Is She

Jesus, Your Go-To Person

I remember it as clear as day. "You can have a personal relationship with Jesus; He wants to be your friend!" I was in sixth grade, and it was our...
May 17, 2021
We Are Witnesses, Too - Blessed Is She

We Are Witnesses, Too

"You are witnesses of these things" (Luke 24:48). The disciples were astonished as Jesus approached them. The crucifixion had come and gone. Jesus was no longer with them as their...
April 08, 2021
Prayer as a Conversation - Blessed Is She

Prayer as a Conversation

It can be so easy to complicate prayer, can't it? As I began to cultivate a faith life as a senior in college, my "prayer" time consisted of a to-do...
February 23, 2021
Walk With Him - Blessed Is She

Walk With Him

We cannot run from suffering if we commit to walk with Christ. It's a lesson in love that I come back to daily and it's one I fall more in...
January 29, 2021
You Can Still Change Your Mind - Blessed Is She

You Can Still Change Your Mind

I was a college senior and had finally decided that enough was enough. I needed to find new friends who would encourage me in my faith journey rather then discourage...
December 15, 2020
When I Have Nothing - Blessed Is She

When I Have Nothing

We were newly married and brand-new parents, too. Our little girl, just three months old, lay in the PICU hospital bed. We'd brought her in the night before and were...
November 23, 2020
His Mercy Came to Me - Blessed Is She

His Mercy Came to Me

"For freedom Christ set us free; so stand firm and do not submit again to the yoke of slavery" (Galatians 5:1). I was a senior in college at the time,...
October 12, 2020
No Second Guesses, Just All In - Blessed Is She

No Second Guesses, Just All In

Detachment from all things for the sake of holiness in pursuit of Him, that's what this life's journey is all about. And it's heartbreakingly hard sometimes that He gives and...
September 30, 2020
Make Me Clean From Within - Blessed Is She

Make Me Clean From Within

Today's Gospel is an absolute gut check, isn't it? "You cleanse the outside of the cup and dish, but inside [are] full of plunder and self indulgence" (Matthew 23:25). Oh,...
August 25, 2020
The Healing Power of the Merciful One - Blessed Is She

The Healing Power of the Merciful One

I am the paralytic. The one that cannot bring myself to Him. I am the one lying on the stretcher, unable to raise my eyes towards Him. I lie crippled...
July 02, 2020
Fight for Mercy, Fight for Goodness - Blessed Is She

Fight for Mercy, Fight for Goodness

"Fight for her," my spiritual director said over the phone. I'd just shared with him one of the ways I knew the Lord was teaching me about mercy. Compassion. Love....
June 11, 2020