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Let's walk through the idea of being beloved by God.

Invite God to make you new.

If you are struggling with the myth that you are unlovable, the myth that your lovability depends on how you’re treated by others, let’s walk through the idea of being beloved by God.


You find that you feel unlovable or that your value of being loved depends on how people respond and treat you. You gauge your appeal and beauty outside and inside based on if people approve of your choices and praise you. When you encounter this conditional love, it makes you question just how inside-out you’d have to turn yourself to chase after those conditions being met.


God loves you so much that He sent His Only Beloved Son, Jesus, to die, rise, and save you from your sins. His love carries you when your own love and acceptance of yourself falters. We are given the gift of Him and His love unconditionally. It’s not about exterior validation; it’s about being His daughter no matter what.

Next step

As you pursue growth in your identity, know that you are not alone. You can invite God into your challenges and ask Him to make you new. The Made New Devotional is a tool to help you walk through that process while you relate to your sisters in the faith.