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Be the One Who Gives - Blessed Is She

Be the One Who Gives

More blessed to give than to receive. // Acts 20:35 Holding expectations of people’s generosity toward me is something I did not know that I kept track of. At least...
June 01, 2022
Your Heart's Yearnings - Blessed Is She

Your Heart's Yearnings

Here comes that master dreamer! Come on, let us kill him and throw him into one of the cisterns here; we could say that a wild beast devoured him. We...
March 18, 2022
My Tongue, God's Blessing - Blessed Is She

My Tongue, God's Blessing

From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. // James 3:10 A childhood friend and I went on a short hike in Southern California on a warm spring day. We...
February 19, 2022
Not a Failure in Your Faith - Blessed Is She

Not a Failure in Your Faith

"Because he is found by those who do not test him, and manifests himself to those who do not disbelieve him" (Wisdom 1:2). I am constantly ebbing and flowing between...
November 08, 2021
Shifting from Imperfection - Blessed Is She

Shifting from Imperfection

I have nearly died three times in my life. I was almost aborted, experienced a break-in, and survived a rollover car crash. I only became aware of the responsibility I...
October 07, 2021
Bringing that Conviction into Our Hearts - Blessed Is She

Bringing that Conviction into Our Hearts

Mary Magdalene, sweet Mary Magdalene. I like to think of her as the patron saint of conviction and metanoia, conversion or a change of heart. In this day and age...
July 22, 2021
Conceiving the Unimaginable - Blessed Is She

Conceiving the Unimaginable

Sometimes God says some crazy things in Scripture. I'm serious. If I were ninety-year-old Sarah hearing what Abraham hears in today’s reading, I would laugh and be incredibly baffled, in...
June 25, 2021
Dreaming with the Lord - Blessed Is She

Dreaming with the Lord

When I was a little girl, I felt so free to dream! I would tell everyone I wanted to be an archeologist because I desired to excavate the bones of...
May 02, 2021
Bold Questions to Our Author - Blessed Is She

Bold Questions to Our Author

God writes our stories. Past, present, and future. He's the best author, amen?! But it's also okay to question why things happen. When we read in the Acts of the...
April 12, 2021
When You Don't Want To Be Entrusted - Blessed Is She

When You Don't Want To Be Entrusted

Entrustment. To entrust to someone is to give in trust. In Polish, our beloved Pope Saint John Paul II describes this as “zawierzenie” a term used to describe entrustment and...
March 05, 2021
Where Are You, Daughter? - Blessed Is She

Where Are You, Daughter?

"Hey friend! Where are you?" Isn't that a common question when we receive a call from someone? We are in constant desire to want to know where our people are....
February 13, 2021
Be-Loved, Sister - Blessed Is She

Be-Loved, Sister

"Beloved" (1 John 4:11). Whenever God starts with this word, He instantaneously captivates me. It must be the cheesy romantic in me. Yet when the commandment to love one another...
January 06, 2021