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The Wolves Circle But We Have Peace - Blessed Is She

The Wolves Circle But We Have Peace

The wolves are circling. They cycle daily through screens that are full of hatred and mouths that are full of deceit. They loop around the news and the gossip and...
October 18, 2021
Share His Love - Blessed Is She

Share His Love

I was in my twenties when I met the father who gave me life. Up until that point, all I had were the stories—his drug addiction, the long nights he...
July 02, 2021
Racing Toward the Light - Blessed Is She

Racing Toward the Light

When I was a kid, I was afraid of the dark. I used to bathe it in light with the glow of my nightlight and hide away from the shadows...
June 18, 2021
Let's Get to Work - Blessed Is She

Let's Get to Work

My father was always tricky to please. It wasn’t necessarily his fault. It was the chemicals in his body—they made him angry. When he skipped his medication or depression crept...
March 03, 2021
Blurting about Our Gifts - Blessed Is She

Blurting about Our Gifts

“I got you an exercise bike!” I blurted out to my husband just five days before Christmas. He knew to expect it—not the bike, but my lack of reserve. I’m...
February 12, 2021
Feeling Hunted by Insufficiency - Blessed Is She

Feeling Hunted by Insufficiency

I sensed an emptiness inside that I couldn’t ignore. It was an emptiness that brought years of tears and heartache, an emptiness with a name. Infertility the doctors called it,...
January 05, 2021
Called by Name - Blessed Is She

Called by Name

I always hated roll call on the first day of school because I never knew which name the teacher was going to spout out. I came into this world with...
December 23, 2020
Tired Prayers, God Still Calls - Blessed Is She

Tired Prayers, God Still Calls

Sometimes I feel like a bad Catholic. My rosary beads aren’t worn down nearly as much as they should be, and the daily readings aren’t exactly “daily” for me. I...
October 28, 2020
Power in the Simple - Blessed Is She

Power in the Simple

I don’t know what happens to us as we age, how we go from sitting on the trampoline and marveling at the twinkling nighttime sky to sitting on our couches...
July 15, 2020
My Pursuit of Him - Blessed Is She

My Pursuit of Him

Praying used to come easily for me. I’d find a quiet nook or a shady tree and sit right down to hash out the longings of my heart with Christ....
June 04, 2020