For most of my growing-up years into my late twenties, I believed I would "live my best life" when I had all the things I hoped for. You know what I am talking about.
When I marry the right man, get a better paying job, acquire more stuff, have a nicer car, weigh less, or pay off all my college debt, I will arrive.
Happiness (back then) looked like checking off the boxes of my detailed and carefully planned list. The problem was I never once invited Jesus into any of those plans.
I thought the will of God and peace were only found when I "achieved" what I wanted. For me, life is radically different than I ever imagined.
I have had to unlearn a lot of things and reattach to the truth that "living my best life" has nothing to do with my own grasping and striving. It has everything to do with having open hands before God, and remembering my best life starts with working to build the Kingdom of God where He has me.
When we (or the disciples) overcomplicate matters, Jesus simplifies the process with such precision. Today's Gospel according to Saint Matthew is a perfect example.
Jesus lays out very specific actions the disciples will do in His name: healing the sick, casting out demons, and raising the dead. These actions point to the truth of Who Jesus is, the Son of God incarnate. Jesus reminds them that these signs reveal the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, in their midst.
The Kingdom of Heaven is alive and active in your present life. Wherever God has placed, put, or called you is where the Kingdom of God is made manifest through your unique witness. In the classroom, changing diapers, caring for elderly parents, or in the board room, God is more present in the world because of you.
We do not have to grasp to make the Kingdom of God present in life. The reign of God is brought into the world through each of us. We just need to be open, show up, stop trying to control the plan, and be willing to be partners with God in His work.
Let's stop grasping and start Kingdom living.
The Kingdom of Heaven is alive and active in your present life. // @amoderngraceClick to tweet