"Hail, full of grace! The Lord is with you." // Luke 1:28
Mary, our Blessed Mother, was never a hurdle I had to overcome as I began my journey into full communion with the Catholic Church. For my husband, the Marian dogmas were ones he wrestled with, but by the time we were being confirmed, he was well on his way to being a devoted aficionado. On my end, it was much slower. I could logically accept Church teaching on Mary as virgin, Mary as sinless, and even Mary as queen, but I was not drawn to her.
While I could wrap my head around the concepts and believe them, Mary just wasn’t my go-to. Fast forward several years into my life as a Catholic and my own mother was diagnosed with cancer. As the reality hit that I could lose her, I realized I needed Mary. It was time to work on deepening my relationship with my second mama, Mary.
Today we celebrate the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary, fittingly just one week after her Assumption into Heaven. After she was brought into Heaven at the end of her earthly life, she was thus honored as befitting her humble and constant yes. Now established as queen, she is not overbearing and does not attempt control, but instead extends her motherhood to all. This grace-filled, gentle mothering was exactly what my heart needed in my time of fear and uncertainty.
She was waiting, and she was ready. Ready to hear what lay heavy on my heart. Ready to remind me Satan was crushed under her own heel. Ready to illuminate the path to her Son. And ready to be a mother to me.
Mary, Mother of the King, signifies to us the true path to our own Heavenly crowns. A path of self-sacrifice and humbleness. Her allegiance to the King is not one of duty, but of pure unadulterated love. And each of us is held in her motherly gaze of love and protection. Celebrate Mary, our Queen and Mother, today by offering a Rosary of thanksgiving or singing along to a Marian hymn, and thank her for being your bonus mama.
*See the Readings for the Memorial of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary.