"For the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world." // 1 John 4:4
Why do you follow Jesus? I have found myself asking that question many times in my life, and today’s Gospel has me asking it once again.
“And great crowds . . . followed Him” (Matthew 4:25).
I am a follower of Jesus. I am a member of that great crowd. But why?
Do I follow Him because my heart longs for the truth of Who He is? Because I know His love and desire to return it?
Do I follow Him because I have heard and believed that “the Kingdom of heaven is at hand” (v. 17), so I leave behind what is not of Him and give Him all I am?
Do I follow Him because, like the people in the Gospel, I have seen the great works He has done and believe because of them, or because I want the same for myself?
Do I follow because I was once in darkness and now I have seen the great light (v. 16); and I desire to be led from darkness and death to light and life?
The answer to all of these is, yes.
I follow because I am a sinner, repentant and seeking mercy. I follow because I have seen and believe the marvelous works He has done and know His desire to heal me as well.
I follow because He is the Light that shines in the darkness of my heart.
I follow because the One Who is in me is greater than the one who is in the world (1 John 4:4).
I follow because I belong to Him and, in Him, I conquer the powers of evil that try to tempt me away from the one whom I serve with fear and rejoice before Him (Psalm 2:11).
Sister, why do you follow, and where is He leading you?
He is the Light that shines in the darkness of my heart. // Sister Maria FatimaClick to tweet