You've probably already bought all of the gifts.
But. I haven't.
Have I ever told you that I'm extremely bad at Christmas? Because I am.
This is year I've been praying my way through Advent (and LOVING it!), but I'm not quite caught up on the Christmas train.
So in case you're like me, and you're extremely behind OR maybe you're just not a natural *gift-giver* (also like me), I am with you. Truly.
So I thought I'd send over a little gift guide to help you/us out:
Encourage Bible Verse Cards // Hail Mary Print // Catholic Journaling Bible // Magnificat Candle
BIS Liturgical Planners // Our Father Print // imago Dei Wristlet // Behold Study Guide
BIS Stickers // Wind Necklace // She Who Believed Tee // Bearing Light Print
I hope this was slightly helpful.
Amazon probably has better gift guides than I do, anyway. BUT please know in order to get your Christmas gifts from us, you need to order by Tuesday, December 18th (for the U.S. gals). For international gals, you can order, but the order will arrive after Christmas.
I'm grateful for you, sweet sister. I hope you're having an amazing Advent, and even if you're not, please be assured of my prayers for you.
I'm glad to be journeying with you in community and prayer, and I can't wait to see what the Lord reveals to us in the next year.
Be intentional in prayer and gratitude as you order your days in His peace. Let's wake up to our beautiful everyday life with the BIS Catholic Planner.
Available now: