One of the first gifts I received as a new, first-time mom was a gift of books for my son. As a book lover myself, the gift was much appreciated. I’ve always wanted my children to grow up in a home filled with books, and I love reading to them throughout the day. It’s one of our favorite activities to do together!
Building a Catholic Library for Kids
As my children have grown, I’ve realized that there is a dizzying amount of beautiful, quality books for children out there, including incredible books about our Catholic Faith! So many talented authors, illustrators, and publishing houses have created incredible resources for us as parents as we try to teach our children about our Faith. There are books about the life of Jesus, books about the Saints for even the smallest hands, even Missals and Catechisms meant for children.
This is by no means an exhaustive list. But if you’re looking to add some beautiful books about the Faith to your child’s bookshelf, I hope this list gives you a start!
Books about the Saints
We have so much to learn from these holy men and women in Heaven, and these titles bring the stories of the Saints to life for kids of all ages, including the youngest ones!
My Little Book of Patrons by Katie Baklinski
Stories of the Saints: Bold and Inspiring Tales of Adventure, Grace and Courage by Carey Wallace
Brother Francis of Assisi by Tomie dePaola
Mother Teresa of Calcutta by Francine Bay and Emmanuel Beaudesson
Sitting like a Saint by Dr. Gregory Bottaro
Loyola Kids Book of Heroes: Stories of Catholic Heroes and Saints throughout History
Cloud of Witnesses: A Child’s First book of Saints by Katie Warner
Light of Heaven: A Children’s Book of Saints by Adalee Hude
Saintly Rhymes for Modern Times by Meghan Bausch
A Boy Who Became Pope by Fabiola Garza
The Loyola Treasury of Saints by David Self
Queen and the Cross by Cornelia Bilinsky
The Saint and His Bees by Dessi Jackson (check out her other Saint stories here!)
Books about Mary
Devotion to the Blessed Mother is an integral part of the Faith that we share. These books are a great place to start in teaching that devotion at a young age!
The Lady of Guadalupe by Tomie dePaola
Mary, the Mother of Jesus by Tomie dePaola
Mary and the Little Shepherds of Fatima by Marlyn Monge
Marian Consecration for Children by Carrie Gress
Books about the Mass
Perfect for the Mass bag or just reading at home, these titles bring the Mass to life for children.
A Missal for Little Ones by Joëlle d'Abbadie
Jesus Invites Me to the Mass by Sabine du Mesnil and Gemma Roman
Light of Sunday by Geena Harrington
Father Ben Gets Ready for Mass by Katie Warner
I Went to Mass: What Did I See? By Katie Warner
Articles at Mass by Ellen Tomaszewski
Books about the Church and Sacraments
Beautiful books about Sacraments and various aspects of our Faith, put in terms kids will understand.
Loyola Kids Book of Catholic Signs and Symbols by Amy Welborn
Kiddie Cat by Katie Warner
A Little Book about Confession for Children by Kendra Tierney and Maria Ashton
Your First Communion: Meeting Jesus, Your True Joy by Pope Francis
Stories of the Blessed Sacrament by Francine Bay
Bibles and Bible Stories
A children’s Bible or a book of Bible stories is a great way to introduce the Scriptures to kids!
Bible Stories for Little Children by Sophia Institute Press
The Catholic Bible for Children by Karine-Marie Amiot, Francois Carmagnac, and Christophe Raimbault
The Life of Jesus According to St. Luke by Sophie de Mullenheim
The Illustrated Parables of Jesus by Jean-Francois Kieffer and Christine Ponsard
The Beautiful Story of the Bible by Maïte Roche
Books on Prayer
Foster a lifelong love of personal prayer in your kids with these books about different prayers geared towards different ages!
On A Mission to Love (children’s Rosary book) by Debbie Starestinic
Mysteries of the Rosary board book set by Nancy Bandzuch
Let Us Pray: A Child’s First Book of Prayers by Katie Warner
Loyola Kids Book of Everyday Prayers by Margaret Savitskas
Other Great Titles
More great titles about other aspects of our Faith!
Heavenly Hosts: Eucharistic Miracles for Kids by Kathryn Griffin Swegart OFS
Who Is Jesus? His Life, His Land, His Time by Gaelle Tertrais
Colors of Creation by Paul Thigpen, PhD
Lilly Lolek: Future Saint by Katie Warner
Catholic Stories for Boys and Girls by Neumann Press
Drawing God by Karen Kiefer
Tell Me About the Catholic Faith: From the Bible to the Sacraments
Giorgio's Miracle by Laurie Schmitt
Where to Look for More Catholic Books for Kids
Want to find even more great options? On Amazon, look at what’s listed under “frequently bought together” as well as “books you may like” and “sponsored products related to this item.” They often list other great titles based on the one you’re currently looking at, and it’s a great way to discover new books you might not otherwise!
Other great places to look include Magnificat Bookstore, Loyola Press, TAN Books, and The Catholic Company!
Any other books that are must-haves in your home library? Share with your sisters in the comments!
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. This will bring beautiful fruit to your prayer life and to your children's prayer lives.