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His Endless Mercy - Blessed Is She

His Endless Mercy

Cold fear filled my heart as I waited in the long Confession line, dreading pronouncing the words that named my sin, one I could not bring myself to give up....
January 27, 2020
Feeling Him Speak in Song and Silence - Blessed Is She

Feeling Him Speak in Song and Silence

"Sing and rejoice . . . I am coming to dwell among you!" (Zechariah 2:14) There was a time that I hated singing. I rolled my eyes to think “singing...
December 12, 2019
A Little Dead Inside - Blessed Is She

A Little Dead Inside

I sat across the table from my friend and listened as she aired her grievances against the Church. She was living in a state of unrepentant mortal sin, of which...
November 07, 2019
Sitting in the Dark, Loins in the Wind - Blessed Is She

Sitting in the Dark, Loins in the Wind

When I was a child, we took a vacation to Cape Cod and stayed in an old house right on the beach. My favorite spot was a tiny attic on...
October 22, 2019
Consoling the Sacred Heart of Jesus - Blessed Is She

Consoling the Sacred Heart of Jesus

The sun was shining, but it did little to console the coldness I felt in my heart. I watched my best guy friend (and secret crush) talk and laugh with...
October 16, 2019
Who Do You Say that He Is? - Blessed Is She

Who Do You Say that He Is?

Today's Gospel reading (see Luke 9:18-22) is such a tender-hearted one: here the disciples stand before their Lord after many chapters full of signs and wonders, of miraculous fish-catchings and...
September 27, 2019
Leave It All Behind - Blessed Is She

Leave It All Behind

When I was twenty-three years old I stood at the front of my congregation facing the altar. With my priest in front of me and my husband (then my fiancé...
June 30, 2019
Perfectly Incorporated into Christ - Blessed Is She

Perfectly Incorporated into Christ

For years I questioned why I was so peaceful over my father's death. Since the day of his funeral, instead of feeling the absence of his presence, I have had...
June 23, 2019
True Presence, Truly for You and Me - Blessed Is She

True Presence, Truly for You and Me

I came into full communion with the Catholic Church twelve years ago. A major hurdle to my conversion was the Church’s teaching on the Eucharist—precisely that the bread and wine,...
May 11, 2019
Four Reasons I Need the Eucharist - Blessed Is She

Four Reasons I Need the Eucharist

I need the Eucharist for many reasons. The Eucharist grounds me. On the days when I go to Mass but feel distant, distracted, or spiritually dry, it snaps me to...
May 09, 2019
It Will Sustain Her - Blessed Is She

It Will Sustain Her

This past Sunday was my eldest’s First Holy Communion. She has looked forward to this day for years now; I think she knew she was going to partake in something...
May 07, 2019
Healing in the Eucharist - Blessed Is She

Healing in the Eucharist

In today’s Gospel, we hear the words we repeat at every Mass just before receiving Communion. “Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only...
September 17, 2018