He got up, ate, and drank; then strengthened by that food, He walked forty days and forty nights to the mountain of God, Horeb. // 1 Kings 19:8
We rolled into town after a weekend of family reunioning—time spent with cousins, uncles, aunts, grandparents. Exhausted but our cups were full. And then it began—a sneaky norovirus had attached itself to a child and accompanied us home, and the inevitable began.
All six of us were down within hours. I sat on the bathroom floor, the overwhelming list of what needed my attention running through my mind: pets and chickens fed, vacation laundry washed (and now sheets, too), and multiple children demanding aid in their distress. With my huge pregnant belly slowing me down, I called it quits.
“This is enough, O Lord!” (1 Kings 19:4)
I felt like I was in an emotional, mental, and physical desert similar to Elijah in today’s First Reading (1 Kings 19:4-8). One thing after another was crumbling around me. And my strength had failed.
A friend reached out to ask how the weekend went, and I unloaded torrents of words depicting our present state. And without skipping a beat, she texted back: “I’ll be by with a plain dinner and paper towels—what else can I bring?”
Our temporal needs are important; my friend simply alleviating some of those on my plate gave me that bit of relief that allowed me to be strengthened enough to tackle the rest. As humans who are both bodies and souls, we need both physical and spiritual nourishment. I’m sure you’ve experienced how important a well-balanced, healthy breakfast helps you function, but what about feeding your soul with the Bread of Life that Jesus speaks of in today’s Gospel (see John 6:41-51)?
How often do we run to this “bread that came down from heaven” and partake when we’re spiritually starving?
I challenge you, sisters, next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, parched, and empty, make space for spiritual nourishment. Add a daily Mass to your week, sneak away to spend time in Adoration. Be receptive to the greatest gift the Lord offers to you: Himself. Let Him feed your soul with His Body and Blood.