February 21, 2025 // Optional Memorial of Saint Peter Damian, Bishop and Doctor of the Church
Read the Word // Open your Bible to today’s Gospel: Mark 8:34-9:1
Reflect on the Word //
I anxiously paced up and down on our wooden deck. The sky was blue and the wind was strong, reflecting the violent storm that was building up in my heart. The storm inside me hardened my heart towards my current cross and stirred up all that I had believed about the Lord. The only thing that remained still were the lies that the enemy had slowly rooted into my heart.
He doesn’t care that your brother is suffering. He doesn't care about your pain. He’s not faithful.
“Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself,
take up his cross, and follow me” (Mark 8:34).
I had always viewed Jesus’ words, “Take up [your] cross,” as a catch-phrase or something flippant and ignorant towards my suffering. It was so hard for me to grasp Jesus’ gentle invitation last year in that season of suffering. I had assumed that carrying my cross would mean that I would be isolated and would have to cling to my own self-reliance. I knew that I would lose my life (see Mark 8:35), but I didn’t know that would lead me to Him. I didn’t know that He would be carrying my cross with me.
Some of the sufferings from last year still remain in my life now. Inviting Jesus into it doesn't necessarily make the suffering go away, but now I know Who I’m following. Friend, Jesus walks with you as you carry your cross. He allows Himself to be moved by your suffering. He’s not afraid of your pain. In union with Him, our cross is His Cross, and He willingly carries it with us.
Jesus means it when He says, “[W]hoever loses his life for my sake and that of the Gospel will save it” (Mark 8:35). He came to save, not to hurt. Just as the Resurrection was the fruit of Jesus’ suffering, so will your suffering with Jesus will bring resurrection into your life. Friend, He will bring new life into you. His desire for resurrection in your life and heart is real, and it’s a promise.
Relate to the Lord // How can you deny yourself today and take up your cross? Consider offering a simple sacrifice for love of Him.