As he who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in every aspect of your conduct, for it is written, Be holy because I am holy. // 1 Peter 1:16
I was an 8th grader in 1994, and, at least in my school, white canvas Keds were The Shoe all the girls wanted. My best friend had a pair, making my desire for these Keds more intense. It seemed like a dream to own a pair of those (impractical, impossible to keep clean) shoes.
Thirty years later, I can’t say I’ve changed much; there’s still a part of me that wants to have the “cool kid” shoes. I don’t usually buy new, trendy shoes, but there are other ways in which I do imitate others: whether I’m adopting meal prep habits, reading a recommended book, or joining a fitness or business challenge, you name it, I’ve probably tried it.
Yet no matter how many good tips and habits I imitate, I’m not content; I keep looking for more tips and tricks, ways to improve my life. No amount of “1% better” habits will make me who God made me to be.
It’s not that the women I admire don’t do very good things (they do!), but Saint Peter’s direction in today’s first reading is far simpler—and greater. The call is to be holy, as Jesus is holy (see 1 Peter 1:16).
Saint John of the Cross echoes Saint Peter: “First, let us have a habitual desire to imitate Christ in everything that we do” (Ascent of Mount Carmel I, 13:3).
Sister, if this seems too difficult or unrealistic—after all, who can be like Jesus?—remember how Jesus taught us to pray in the Our Father. I think Jesus gives us the key to holiness with His own words: “Thy will be done.” In all things, we can be like Jesus simply by desiring to do God’s will.
In my relationships, Lord, Thy will be done. While I work, Thy will be done. As I run my errands, Thy will be done. In my seeking You, Thy will be done. Jesus, make me holy. It is only by Your grace that I can be who the Father made me to be, holy just as You are holy. Amen.