March 17, 2025 // Monday of the Second Week in Lent // Optional Memorial of Saint Patrick, Bishop
Read the Word // Open your Bible to today’s Gospel: Luke 6:36-38
Reflect on the Word //
A friend of mine in college used to play a game in which anytime someone would compliment or express appreciation for something that she owned, she would immediately give that thing to that person. I learned of this game when I suddenly became the recipient of her Irish tartan scarf after having remarked how beautiful it was. Right then and there, she gave it to me, wrapping my neck in its cozy softness and bestowing me with a surprise gift that chilly autumn day.
Intrigued by this game, I committed to play as well. I winced a little the first time I gave away a loved sweatshirt, but the fun of the freedom of giving was a joy in itself. It wasn’t too long before my new scarf made its way to another owner, continuing this joyful game of detachment. The game had its limits, of course, but my friend played with regular consistency. She had not only given away clothes, jewelry, and everyday objects, but she had also given joy and delight to so many people. The blessings were returned to her a hundredfold.
Today Jesus shares with us the secrets of abundance. He commands us to “Give” (Luke 6:38). He tells us to “be merciful” and to “stop judging” (Luke 6:36). In living a life where we let go of judgment, condemnation, and unforgiveness, and give mercifully and generously to those around us, our own lives become rich and overflowing.
Saint Patrick, whose Memorial is today, is our example in his generosity of his entire life to the teaching, conversion, and salvation of the country of Ireland. We can ask Saint Patrick to pray for us, that we would imitate him in asking God to guide us in how He wants us to walk our unique paths to sainthood. Maybe we are not called to be a missionary to Ireland or to give away our possessions to anyone who likes them, but then again, maybe we could consider expansive ways to give to the Lord and others with more generosity than we initially thought possible.
Relate to the Lord // Ask for Saint Patrick’s intercession to live with radical generosity today and always.