We are so blessed to have a mother in the Blessed Virgin Mary, who offers us a shining lived example of virtue and intimacy with God. However, approaching Mary can feel intimidating, as her holiness and perfection seem unattainable. But in the newest Blessed is She study, called Home: A Blessed Conversation on the Virtues of Mary, the authors invite us to see Mary as a gentle, compassionate mother who welcomes us exactly as we are.
Shedding the Pressure to Measure Up
As contributing author Debbie Herbeck put it, "There's nothing to prove here —
this is just a mama's heart." This refreshing perspective challenges the concept that we must be perfect like the Blessed Mother in order to have a relationship with her. Far from it! She delights in meeting us where we are, inviting us into her home and into her life with open arms. Debbie reflects that it is as if Mary says, "'Come on into the mess. It's okay, I'm just going to receive you as you are."
In the same conversation, Sister Maria Fatima —
another author of Home
— eloquently describes the beauty of Mary's maternal heart. She emphasizes that Our Lady's heart is not concerned with competition or comparison but is characterized by surrender and trust. "It's not about what we do, it's about our surrender," Sister shares. "It's about our giving up control and allowing our Our Lady to be Our Mother." Our Mother Mary yearns to embrace us, console us in our sorrows, and rejoice with us in our joys.
Confiding in Mary's Feminine Heart
Moreover, Mary is able to relate to every woman in every stage of life. For she embodies the fullness of feminine vocation — virgin, spouse, and mother. As Sister Maria Fatima reflects, "Every single woman can find in her an example, every single woman can find in her a confidant, every single woman can find in her one who's been there."
Ultimately, Mary's greatest desire is not to draw us to herself, but to lead us to her Son, Jesus. She is a gentle guide along the journey, leading us to the source of all grace. By responding to Mary's love, we open ourselves to a more intimate relationship with Christ, one that is nurtured by the tenderness and wisdom of our Heavenly Mother.
A Gentle Invitation to Deeper Faith
While the world often values perfection and performance, Our Lady just desires our presence. This study on the virtues of Mary invites us to simply enter into Mary's home, to sit with her, and to allow her maternal love to transform us, one moment at a time. As we come to know her, we discover a mother who is ever-present, ever-loving, and ever-ready to guide us to the heart of her Son, Jesus.

Just as a mother might pass on a beloved family tradition to her daughters, Mary shares the recipe for growing in virtue with us.
This study on Mary's Virtues will breathe new life into your everyday, beginning right in Mary's home.