Aubrey Major
Aubrey Major is an artist and designer living life joyfully in the Midwest. She has a new favorite color every week, loves laughing any chance she can get, and scrolls through Spotify...
Jacky Hernandez
Jacky Hernandez is a SoCal gal through and through where the sun never stops shining and beaches abide. Studying Psychology at Cal State Fullerton, she hopes to one day provide...
Mariana Pimiento
Mariana Pimiento is a Colombia-born storyteller and artist. She enjoys big dinners with her Colombian family, talking about Theology of the Body, and any chance for a bonfire. The preaching...
Senite Sahlezghi
Senite Sahlezghi is native to Colorado and a consecrated virgin for the Archdiocese of Denver. She is a first generation Eritrean American, is a Licensed Professional Counselor with a master’s...
Elza Spaedy
Elza Spaedy grew up in Brazil in a large family of 7 brothers and 3 sisters. Since finding healing and restoration from the painful childhood trauma of sexual abuse, Elza...
Michelle D'Silva
Michelle Karen D’Silva is a wife, mama and friend, constantly pursuing to live “fully alive.” A former atheist, she now carries the Gospel truth globally as Catholic speaker and mentor...
Sister Mary Claire Strasser
Sr. Mary Claire of the Holy Family is a member of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT) and currently serves in Corpus Christi, TX. She...
Rachel Balducci
Rachel Balducci has a Masters degree from the Grady School of Journalism at the University of Georgia and teaches at Augusta University. She and her husband Paul have five sons...
Maggie Kim
Maggie Kim is a wife and mother to 4 kiddos. She became a Catholic convert in 2013 after discovering her love for the Eucharist, Sacred Tradition, and the powerful intercessory...
Sister Maria Fatima
Sister Maria Fatima grew up in Rhode Island and entered the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist in 2005. She holds a MA in Theology from the Saint...
Michelle Karen D'Silva
Michelle Karen D’Silva is a regular contributor to the BIS blog and an itinerant Catholic speaker housed in the little peninsula of Qatar. With an immense passion for discipleship, her...
Abby Fafinski
Abby Fafinski is a Minnesota native who is spending her college years in beautiful Northern California studying Psychology and Communication in. She loves historical fiction, copious amounts of sparkling water,...