December 19, 2024 // Thursday of the Third Week of Advent
Read the Word // Open your Bible to today’s Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 71:3-4a, 5-6ab, 16-17
Reflect on the Word // Anyone: “Here, let me help you with that!”
Me: “No thanks, I’m good!”
Anyone: “Oh, Sister, let me get that for you.”
Me: “I can do it, thanks!”
Anyone: “Let me know if you need anything.”
Me: “Thanks, but I’m all set . . .”
God: “Let Me take care of it for you, let Me help you, let Me . . .”
Me: “Nope, I’ve got this, God . . . but thanks anyway.”
Today’s Psalm hits me like a brick: “You are my rock and my fortress [. . .] my hope, O Lord; my trust [. . .] from my youth” (Psalm 71: 3,5). I sometimes have to stop myself. Do I believe these words? Do I live them? Are my daily actions, my efforts, my strivings, those of a person who hopes in the Lord, and sings His glory, or does my life look more like an ad for Burger King—having it “my way”?
It is easy for these words to roll off the tongue in response to the wonderful works God has, is, and will work, and in the next breath echo the words of Zechariah in the Gospel: “How shall I know this” (Luke 1:18)?
When we make the space in our hearts and take the time to listen to Him, the Lord speaks to us in His Word. We will hear His gentle “Do not be afraid” (Luke 1:13), reassuring us in our supplications and dependence on Him: “your prayer has been heard” (Luke 1:13). These reassurances invite a response. That response ought to be a mouth filled with praise, singing his glory. A song of entrustment to the One Who is my strength from my mother’s womb.
The Lord knows it is not easy for us to surrender, to entrust ourselves to His will, but that doesn’t change Who He is. He continues to be the One Who is a “rock of refuge, a stronghold to give safety,” our “rescuer from the hand of the wicked” (Psalm 71:3-4). No matter how much we may resist, He remains faithful and true. For that, my mouth shall be filled with His praise and I will sing His glory!
Relate to the Lord // How can you ask for (or accept) help today? Ask Jesus for the grace.
O Antiphon:
O Root of Jesse’s stem,
sign of God’s love for all his people:
come to save us without delay!