“For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted." // Luke 14:11
There are two types of people: the ones who want to get on a plane first and sit and wait and the ones who wait to board at the last possible chance.
I like to board first. Get myself situated. Put my bag in the overhead bin and pull my Kindle out so I can start reading.
But lately, I’ve challenged myself to board last. Well, Jesus challenged me.
It came to me in prayer, as most of His ideas do. Why do you rush to get on? Why not just wait a moment?
I could tell that Jesus was asking me to give up this little luxury, of boarding with Group 1, sitting down for a pre-boarding drink when I’d gotten a free upgrade, mindlessly scrolling my phone or stressing about short connections.
There will be plenty of bin space, or you can check your bag. Just wait. For Me.
Jesus only ever asks us to stretch in such a way that He knows will be good for us. And I knew He was trying to teach me humility.
Humility bears fruit. It grows an awareness of God’s goodness within us. It helps us notice the goodness, or even the needs, of others. Humility ultimately exalts, not placing us in a position of power or to a better seat on the plane, but making us more like God Who pours Himself out in love. It helps us to see that God alone is worthy of praise.
Today’s Gospel (see Luke 14:1, 7-11) challenges us to not board first, or speak first, or brag first. It asks us to remain humble, quiet, and to be patient to jump in, so that we can see God’s goodness first and our goodness in light of His. Where is God asking you to be humble? What small (or big) sacrifice is He inviting you to make?
The Litany of Humility (a challenging prayer, so be careful) is a great place to start in embracing God’s call to humility. Pray it today, and embrace the exaltation of God as you yourself are humbled.