When I was nine years old, I decided I wanted to be a writer. I think I subconsciously wanted to create and inhabit a story that was happier and more hopeful than my own life. Today, we are personally invited into the culmination of a stunning and true love story that has my name and yours written into it.
For six weeks, we have journeyed with Jesus toward Jerusalem and the fulfillment of His earthly mission. At times we’ve grown weary, flagged in zeal, and neglected our Lenten practices. But Jesus never wavers in His resolve to walk the lonely, painful path to Calvary.
During His final hours—in every interrogation and confrontation—He clearly proclaims and confirms His Divine identity and nature: “I AM . . . I AM . . . I AM.” Jesus is not surprised by what is happening to Him. He is fully in control of His destiny, submitting freely to the acts and condemnation of the soldiers, the religious and civil authorities, or the angry mob. The Lamb led to the slaughter is choreographing His Father’s plan.
Place yourself in today’s familiar Gospel scene (John 18:1-19:42).
Are you a weary disciple, a reserved follower, or part of the indignant crowd? Are you quick to draw your “sword” and fight for Jesus in your own strength? Do you shrink back and watch the unfolding Passion from a distance? Are you silent amid opposition, afraid to profess loyalty to the cause of Christ? Or do you stand with His Sorrowful Mother and Beloved Disciple, beneath the Cross as His faithful friend? Are you willing to care for His broken Body and quench His thirst for souls?
Wherever you are in that scene, with unflinching love for you, Jesus places Himself on the Cross and into His Father’s hands to rescue and redeem you. Sister, on this dark Friday the Church calls “Good,” stay with Him and console His Heart.
Fear not! The end of His story (and yours) is glorious; the Son will rise victorious!
Ask Jesus to show you who in your life needs to hear the story of God's saving love. How is He asking you to help communicate it to others?
Stay with Him and console His Heart. // Debra Herbeck Click to tweet
Lord Jesus, keep me close to Your heart and let me console You today.