“For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.” // Matthew 6:21
The first time I can recall thinking to myself, Wow, I really need to get my life together was at age fifteen when I attended my very first discernment retreat. The sweet Dominican Sister shared a quote from Saint Catherine of Siena: “Love transforms one into what one loves.”
Immediately, I began thinking, Well, shoot. What do I love?
Surely, I didn’t want to be transformed into a reality TV star or any popstar I listened to on my iPod touch. I wanted to be a Saint. I wanted to live with single-hearted devotion to Jesus and His Church. But how could I do that when there were so many distractions in my young life?
Today’s Gospel has the answer.
Jesus instructs us to store up treasures in Heaven, to give our hearts to a lasting love, and stake our lives on His faithfulness. When we keep our eyes fixed on Him, we become like Him.
When we become like Him, we spread His light in the world. We become Saints.
You know as well as I do that there is so much temptation in the world to be and do so many things for the false promise of fulfillment. But sister, Jesus is the only way. Earthly treasures will not satisfy.
Wherever you find yourself looking today, whether it be for a quick distraction or real affirmation, turn your gaze back to Him. Give your heart to the One Who loves you and be transformed by His unending love.
We don’t have to catch His attention, He is already looking at us. We don’t have to earn His love, it’s freely given. Let Him satisfy your deepest longing.
Give your heart to a lasting love. // Kelsey Dassance Click to tweet