For the nearly 3000 people who died and the 6000 who were injured on September 11, 2001, I remember you.
I remember that you woke up that morning twenty years ago and had no idea what evil had planned for you. You went to work, got on a plane, dropped your kids at day-care, went shopping, went about your business without thinking about how fragile the world around you actually was. We all did.
And as the day unfolded in horror, I remember those of you I saw jump, hand in hand with one another, from the Twin Towers, because the flames and the smoke that engulfed you left you no other choice. I remember all the first responders, fire fighters, and police officers who gave their lives trying to save thousands of strangers. I remember the courageous people in flight who took brave and selfless action to intervene and ended up foiling the plans of the enemy a hundredfold. You became a living atonement, and I remember you. May you rest in peace.
Jesus says in Saint Luke’s Gospel, “A good person out of the store of goodness in his heart produces good, but an evil person out of a store of evil produces evil; for from the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks” (6:45). May this anniversary be a reminder about just how seriously we must work for goodness of heart—remembering the real power it holds to conquer evil.
Planes may fall from the sky, our fortresses may be toppled by unspeakable wickedness, but, sister, Jesus can make our homes and hearts stores of goodness. Let’s remind the evil that may rise up on this day, “High above all nations is the LORD; above the heavens is his glory” (Psalm 113:5). Let the evil of this day know, your heart belongs to Jesus.
Today, plan a “good” for someone else, a neighbor, a friend, the homeless, or homebound. Make it a project for your whole family and spread goodness of heart in the name of Jesus. "Blessed be the name of the Lord for ever” (Psalm 113:2).