For ever I will sing the goodness of the Lord. // Psalm 89:2
Lord, You are just going to have to take care of everything, I thought as I boarded my flight to Dallas on hot Phoenix afternoon.
We were about to kick off the Blessed is She Southern Revival tour and almost nothing had gone as planned. Logistics piled up, speakers and coworkers had fallen ill, leaving most responsibilities to me, and I anticipated the next eleven days on the road would be the most challenging of my career.
In a very real sense, I had no idea what I was doing . . . and I trusted the Lord just enough to see Him work in incredible ways.
As we traveled through Texas and Louisiana to host six Revival nights for over twelve hundred women, I saw women encounter Jesus through the Blessed Sacrament, worship Him with total abandonment, and encounter the safety and freedom of God the Father.
Lives were changed during those nights—and mine was no exception.
I look back on those nights as a testament to the Father’s goodness and His promise to always provide for us. In a situation where I felt completely helpless and unqualified, He filled in every gap. I gave what I could, and He showed up in glory.
This memory is a moment of consolation for me any time I wonder if the Lord is still good. When I think back on those eleven days, I am confident that I will sing of His glory forever.
Is there a time in your life, dear sister, when the Lord came through for you? Ask Him to remind you of that today.