"Beloved" (1 John 4:11).
Whenever God starts with this word, He instantaneously captivates me. It must be the cheesy romantic in me. Yet when the commandment to love one another follows, He starts losing me.
I sat with this today and what came to the light was that I was feeling unloved and, before I could love anyone, I first had to "be-loved," you see?
Beloved, Be loved?
The love of God must be revealed to you before you can reveal it to other people. This is why Jesus Christ came to us and allowed Himself to be crucified. It is through His surrender to the Cross and His victory over it that He expiates our sins, but also makes us beloved.
Maybe, though, like me, you experienced a less-than-ideal family situation and the love you so deserved to grow up in was never revealed to you well. You feel like you are at a disadvantage, loving makes you feel uncomfortable, or you are clueless as to how to.
There is no shame no matter what your family circumstances, sister. I need you to know this: you don't need to repeat generational wounds, and your story is not over yet.
Repeat after to me: God is allowing me to write my story. This new year, come closer to Jesus in the crucifix. Let Him show you what you were made for. Each of His wounds is a window into the reality of His deep love for you.
It was you, His beloved, who kept Him up on that cross.