This weekly wallpaper is from Erica of Be a Heart is a play on a vintage botanical poster. The verse is this week's gospel acclamation leading to the parable of the mustard seed.
The seed is the word of God, Chris is the sower, all who come to him will live forever.
Erica said, "I wanted to paint the mustard seed parable so I researched the mustard plant that Jesus talks about in the gospel. It proved to not be the most straight forward answer. There was a bit of debate over, which plant Jesus was talking about. What I DID discover was really interesting and a good take away.
The mustard seed is the tiniest of the seeds of the plants that grow in the geographical area they were in. Once the seed is in the earth, it grows larger than all the other herbs. It is in fact not a tree, but can grow into the size of a tree--surpassing all other plants of its kind. It does not do this with the help of human hands, but with something greater (ie sunshine). The kingdom of God grows from one that is above the human hand (ie God himself). I can't explain it all, but here is the interesting article.
With that said, I was inspired by vintage botanical posters that show the seeds and germination of a plant. Out of a tiny seed that we can plant on this earth, Christ will sow a large kingdom."
You can download these free wallpapers below!